Wednesday 1 June 2011

June Goals

I have 5 goals for June!

1. Book boudoir photo session for my fiance's wedding present. This is a huge step for me as I am usually so self conscious about my body. I usually have a couple layers of clothes on, and refuse to take them off for anyone! Yes, I have sex with the lights OFF! I hate my body naked!

2. Sign up for a challenge. I need something to keep me motivated. I need other people to hold me accountable for what I'm doing, and I think if I had a little bit of competition it would make me work that much harder!

3. Lose 6 lbs, and keep it off! That would put me at 130lbs... my goal weight is 123lbs. Thats a little more than a pound a week, but I need it.. I need to get in the groove of working out, and I can do it!

4. Workout/run/walk/bike for at least 4 days a week. Try and go for at least 2 miles a day. Shouldn't be too hard, the treadmill counts! 2 miles a day!

5. Track track track! Everything that goes in my mouth must be tracked!

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